rub­ber, fan, air, 700 cm x 300 cm x 160 cm


The sculp­ture “Soft Divider (The Win­ner)” relates to the first indus­tri­al­ly fab­ri­cat­ed barbed wire knot, which was patent­ed by Joseph Glid­dens in 1874 and named “The Win­ner”. This marks the start­ing point for a his­to­ry of inven­tion of an indus­tri­al instru­ment, through the help of which spa­tial asym­me­tries can be estab­lished by tam­ing ani­mals and humans and con­trol­ling their move­ment. From the indus­tri­al­iza­tion of the thorn bush to the glob­al­iza­tion of pain, the var­i­ous mod­els of barbed wire – the pro­tag­o­nists of which are flesh and iron – unfold a social, polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic his­to­ry of moder­ni­ty. In the work “Soft Divider”, the ‘pri­mor­dial knot’ of barbed wire is turned into a sculp­tur­al object by blow­ing it up in scale. At the same time its mate­ri­al­i­ty is trans­formed: from hard and sharp steel to frag­ile air-inflat­ed rubber.


Soft Divider (The Win­ner), 2017
Soft Divider (The Win­ner), 2017
Soft Divider (The Win­ner), 2017
Soft Divider (The Win­ner), 2017