pig­ment print and traces on cot­ton fab­ric, 70 x 110 cm each, 2019–2021

pho­tographs of the cloths in their respec­tive con­texts, pig­ment prints on Hah­nemüh­le Bary­ta paper, mount­ed on muse­um boards, 84.1 x 59.4 cm each, 2019–2021


“Spir­it Cloths” is a series of exper­i­men­tal con­tex­tu­al paint­ings. The paint­ings are con­ceived as a medi­um for record­ing that reg­is­ters traces between the field and the archive, between then and now, between real places and imag­i­nary beings. They are based on scans of Yokai spir­it scrolls from the Edo peri­od that are housed in the archives of the Inter­na­tion­al Research Cen­ter for Japan­ese Stud­ies (Nichi­bunken). The scans were not made of the fig­ured rep­re­sen­ta­tions but of the draw­ing scrolls’ periph­er­al regions not fea­tur­ing an image. As such, the mate­ri­al­i­ty of the traces left over cen­turies on the back­ground of the imag­i­nary pic­to­r­i­al space of visions of ghosts comes to the fore. These archival traces were then print­ed on white cot­ton fab­ric (the mate­r­i­al used in leg­ends to fash­ion the robes of female ghosts) and then exposed for an extend­ed peri­od of time to the influ­ences of var­i­ous ghost­ly loca­tions. As a result, the imag­i­nary his­tor­i­cal pic­to­r­i­al space coin­cides with the tan­gi­ble con­tem­po­rary urban space on the same medium.

exhi­bi­tion views »Drei Jahre Herb­st«, Galerie Karin Sachs, Munich, 2021

