Geis­ter­grund / Spir­it Grounds / 霊地

Texts, 2021


The texts cap­ture the nar­ra­tive dimen­sion of spir­it grounds and trans­form them in the process of writ­ing. The texts were cre­at­ed as a fil­trate from var­i­ous sources: from pop­u­lar and schol­ar­ly arti­cles, as well as ency­clo­pe­dia entries and inter­net posts relat­ed to the sites in ques­tion. The orig­i­nal texts were trans­lat­ed from the Japan­ese into Ger­man with the aid of machine trans­la­tion tools, result­ing in pro­found shifts in the fab­ric of mean­ing. From this raw mate­r­i­al, new texts emerged through an inten­sive process of edit­ing. Between lan­guages, gen­res, and lev­els of mean­ing, these texts reveal new approach­es to the nar­ra­tive topog­ra­phy of spir­it grounds.


