The­ater of Com­bus­tion (Naph­ta)

neon lights, elec­tri­cal cable, pow­er gen­er­a­tor, exhaust hose, 2020/2021


“The­ater of Com­bus­tion (Naph­ta)” was cre­at­ed espe­cial­ly for the exhi­bi­tion “Oil. Beau­ty and Hor­ror of the Petrol Age” at the Wolfs­burg Art Muse­um. The work is a con­tin­u­a­tion of the light instal­la­tions in the petro-indus­tri­al land­scapes of Azer­bai­jan. Using the geom­e­try of the naph­thene cyclopen­tane – found pri­mar­i­ly in refined gaso­line – it can be under­stood as a Euro­pean coun­ter­part to the land­scapes of extrac­tion. In the cen­ter of Wolfs­burg, the light sculp­ture sus­pend­ed from the ceil­ing of the muse­um per­forms its the­ater of com­bus­tion. The exhaust gas­es are led out of the exhi­bi­tion space into the open air by an elab­o­rate suc­tion mechanism.


exhi­bi­tion view, Kun­st­mu­se­um Wolfs­burg, 2021
exhi­bi­tion view, Kun­st­mu­se­um Wolfs­burg, 2021
exhi­bi­tion view, Kun­st­mu­se­um Wolfs­burg, 2021
con­struc­tion draw­ing, 2020/2021
con­struc­tion draw­ing, 2020/2021
con­struc­tion draw­ing, 2020/2021