Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde Mensch)

LED lights, pow­er gen­er­a­tor, Eisen­hüt­ten­stadt, res­i­den­tial com­plex VI, 2020


The work “Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde, Men­sch)” is a three-dimen­sion­al exten­sion and rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of the mur­al “Weltall, Erde, Men­sch” (Space, Earth, Man) by Otto Schutzmeis­ter from the 1960s. The mur­al is locat­ed in the com­mu­nal out­door space of the res­i­den­tial com­plex VI in Eisen­hüt­ten­stadt. With its vision­ary cos­mic per­spec­tive, which demon­strates Eisenhüttenstadt’s for­mer claim to be the ide­al city of social­ism, it stands in stark con­trast to the shrink­ing process the city is cur­rent­ly expe­ri­enc­ing. At the same time, the vision­ary con­tent of the paint­ing – to think of human­i­ty in rela­tion­ship with the earth and the cos­mos – is more is of greater rel­e­vance today than ever before, at a time when the state of the earth is increas­ing­ly crit­i­cal. Tak­ing up indi­vid­ual ele­ments of the pic­ture – the cos­mic rays of light – and trans­lat­ing them into light­ing ele­ments, the wall mosa­ic becomes a sceni­cal­ly staged three-dimen­sion­al pic­to­r­i­al space that serves as a meet­ing place for local res­i­dents. The future vision of the past can thus be expe­ri­enced anew in the present.


Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde Men­sch), 2020

Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde Men­sch), 2020
Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde Men­sch), 2020
Ausleuch­tung (Weltall, Erde Men­sch), 2020