LED lights, power generator, Eisenhüttenstadt, residential complex VI, 2020
The work “Ausleuchtung (Weltall, Erde, Mensch)” is a three-dimensional extension and reinterpretation of the mural “Weltall, Erde, Mensch” (Space, Earth, Man) by Otto Schutzmeister from the 1960s. The mural is located in the communal outdoor space of the residential complex VI in Eisenhüttenstadt. With its visionary cosmic perspective, which demonstrates Eisenhüttenstadt’s former claim to be the ideal city of socialism, it stands in stark contrast to the shrinking process the city is currently experiencing. At the same time, the visionary content of the painting – to think of humanity in relationship with the earth and the cosmos – is more is of greater relevance today than ever before, at a time when the state of the earth is increasingly critical. Taking up individual elements of the picture – the cosmic rays of light – and translating them into lighting elements, the wall mosaic becomes a scenically staged three-dimensional pictorial space that serves as a meeting place for local residents. The future vision of the past can thus be experienced anew in the present.