Verbindungsstücke · つなぐモノ語り (Tsunagu Mono Gatari)


“Verbindungsstücke · つなぐモノ語り (Tsunagu Mono Gatari)” is a bilin­gual art cat­a­logue cel­e­brat­ing the ten-year anniver­sary of the Goethe-Insti­tut Vil­la Kamo­gawa artist res­i­den­cy pro­gram in Kyoto. The book was pub­lished on the occa­sion of an exhi­bi­tion with the same name at CLB Berlin, curat­ed by Michael Hirschbich­ler and fea­tur­ing the work of 73 artists-in-res­i­dence of Vil­la Kamogawa.


Edi­tors: Enzio Wet­zel, Michael Hirschbichler

Details: dou­ble sleeve and book­let cov­er in three dif­fer­ent col­ors, 73 cards and 60 pages (book­let), 13 x 21 cm, 75 illustrations

Lan­guage: Ger­man, Japanese

Design: Toshiya Izu­mo, Fer­di­nand Ulrich

ISBN: 978–3‑8030–3416‑8

Pub­lish­er: Was­muth & Zohlen for Goethe-Insti­tut Vil­la Kamogawa

1st edi­tion, 2022

book pho­tographed by Nor­man Posselt



buy at: Was­muth & Zohlen Verlag

Vil­la Kamogawa


CLB Berlin
