Mythis­che Konstruktionen


The cult and spir­it hous­es of Papua New Guinea are not just hous­es for spir­its. Since they were made to dis­ap­pear at the end of the last cen­tu­ry, they seem to have turned into spir­its them­selves. They oscil­late between his­tor­i­cal facts and future-ori­ent­ed cul­tur­al ideas and are at the same time absent and of great con­tem­po­rary relevance.

Michael Hirschbich­ler analy­ses the cul­tur­al cos­mos of dif­fer­ent Papua New Guinean cul­tures with a mul­ti-per­spec­ti­val approach, which com­bines cul­tur­al and social sci­ences, build­ing, archi­tec­tur­al and spa­tial research. 

Mytho­log­i­cal land­scapes are opened up by com­plex sign sys­tems, and mul­ti-species soci­eties gath­er in grand rit­u­als. Hirschbich­ler devel­ops a mul­ti­fac­eted the­o­ry of »myth­i­cal con­struc­tions«. It leads us out of mod­ern west­ern modes of under­stand­ing and pro­vides a wealth of con­cepts for imag­in­ing and design­ing a more-than-human world.


Author: Michael Hirschbichler

Details: hard­cov­er, 448 pages, 19.5 x 26 cm, 69 draw­ings and 73 illustrations

Lan­guage: Ger­man

Design: Fer­di­nand Ulrich, Julie Heumüller

ISBN: 978–3‑8030–2109‑0

Pub­lish­er: Was­muth & Zohlen

1st edi­tion, 2021



Was­muth & Zohlen Verlag

Ger­man Architects
