Geis­ter­grund / Spir­it Grounds / 霊地


An autumn for­ay leads through a con­tem­po­rary city. In this city—which in many ways resem­bles numer­ous oth­er cities—a mud­dy body of water opens up in the midst of well-tend­ed res­i­den­tial areas, of which one recounts from behind the scenes that it con­tains a pas­sage into the oth­er­world­ly world of demons. In the same city, high­ways lead over for­mer fields of corpses where birds pecked at aban­doned bod­ies. Noses of name­less war vic­tims pile up in mon­u­ments over­grown with grass next to children’s play­grounds, and in remote under­pass­es the ghosts of the dead crowd at night. Using pho­to­graph­ic and filmic works, exper­i­men­tal paint­ing and texts, Michael Hirschbich­ler explores the mytho­log­i­cal ground on which our con­tem­po­rary life takes place. This is made up of places that are mate­ri­al­ly tan­gi­ble at the same time and only emerge in nar­ra­tives; which lead out of the present into near­er or more dis­tant pasts; charged with myths and beliefs; and which, accord­ing to pop­u­lar belief, are pop­u­lat­ed not only by the liv­ing, but also by ghosts, phan­toms and oth­er (un)dead.


Author: Michael Hirschbichler

Details: hard­cov­er, 206 pages, 24 x 17 cm, 80 illustrations

Lan­guage: Ger­man, Eng­lish, Japanese

Design: Michael Hirschbich­ler, Fer­di­nand Ulrich

ISBN: 978–3‑903796–84‑3

Pub­lish­er: Ver­lag für Mod­erne Kunst

1st edi­tion, 2021



buy at: Ver­lag für Mod­erne Kunst
