Schnit­tlin­ien / Cut­ting Lines


“Schnittlinien/ Cut­ting Lines” presents a cross sec­tion through sev­er­al bod­ies of work that I pro­duced dur­ing my fel­low­ship at the Ger­man Acad­e­my Vil­la Mas­si­mo in Rome in 2015. These works are con­nect­ed along the­mat­ic lines and attempt to reveal and inves­ti­gate ‘cut­ting lines’ in var­i­ous ways: cut­ting lines, at which his­toric world views and cul­tur­al con­cepts inter­sect and along which the present can be seen to unfold; cut­ting lines, upon which cul­tur­al, social and reli­gious cat­e­gories are con­struct­ed; and cut­ting lines, which estab­lish spa­tial divi­sions as vio­lent borderlines.


Author: Michael Hirschbichler

Details: soft­cov­er, 20 pages, 24 x 18 cm, 47 illustrations

Lan­guage: Ger­man, English

Design: Silke Fah­n­ert, Uwe Koch

ISBN: 978–3–00–054270–1

Pub­lish­er: Ger­man Acad­e­my Rome Vil­la Massimo

1st edi­tion, 2016



buy at: Con­di­tion H Press

Vil­la Massimo
