Abecedar­i­um zur Peripherie


The book sug­gests a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives and con­cepts in order to deal with peri-urban struc­tures that extend beyond con­ven­tion­al notions of what a city is. Root­ed at the same time in ency­clo­pe­dic lin­ear­i­ty and in chaos, this drift through the periph­ery opens up pos­si­bil­i­ties for the design of urban spaces, which are aimed at process­es, build­ings, dis­cours­es, ques­tions of orga­ni­za­tion and con­crete modes of life. In texts, plans, dia­grams, images and mod­els the book offers a guide­line, which hope­ful­ly inspires pos­i­tive approach­es to the con­tem­po­rary city.


Edi­tors: Marc Angélil, Michael Hirschbichler

Details: soft­cov­er, 228 pages, 14 x 21 cm, 125 illustrations

Lan­guage: Ger­man

Design: Some­thing Fantastic

ISBN: 978–3‑944074–05‑4

Pub­lish­er: Ruby Press

1st edi­tion, 2013



buy at: Ruby Press
