var­i­ous media and dimen­sions, 2012 — ongoing


The cycle “The­atrum Orbis Ter­rarum” is designed as a long-term project. Its title alludes to the first mod­ern atlas pub­lished by Abra­ham Ortelius. Clas­si­cal media of archi­tec­tur­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion – plans, per­spec­tives and mod­els – are used to explore planned and built spaces from dif­fer­ent geo­graph­i­cal regions and his­tor­i­cal peri­ods. This is done in a process that is at once ana­lyt­i­cal-crit­i­cal and spec­u­la­tive. Spa­tial sit­u­a­tions – and the social, polit­i­cal, and cul­tur­al con­texts in which they are embed­ded – are exam­ined and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly manip­u­lat­ed and alien­at­ed through oper­a­tions of scal­ing, rep­e­ti­tion, mir­ror­ing, and exag­ger­a­tion. Par­tic­u­lar atten­tion is paid to the moment when func­tion­al plan­ning and utopias turn into their oppo­site – when effi­cien­cy efforts and grand scales lead to inhu­man sit­u­a­tions – and when seem­ing­ly neu­tral struc­tures reveal their ide­o­log­i­cal foun­da­tions. Palaces, mon­u­ments, cathe­drals, pris­ons, camps, fortress­es, bunkers, slaugh­ter­hous­es, shop­ping malls, hous­ing com­plex­es, infra­struc­tur­al build­ings etc. are thus con­densed into an archi­tec­tur­al phan­tas­mago­ria that is sit­u­at­ed between fic­tion and reality.


“The­atrum Orbis Ter­rarum”
Crushed build­ing and alu­minum on paper, screen print in 24 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 300 x 560 cm, 2012 / 2024
“The­atrum Orbis Ter­rarum”
detail view
“The­atrum Orbis Ter­rarum”
detail view
Michael Hirschbichler, SLAUGHTER HOUSE COMPLEX, 2014
“Slaugh­ter­house Com­plex“
Pig­ment print in 9 pan­els edi­tion 3 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm total, 2014
“Slaugh­ter­house Com­plex“
exhi­bi­tion view Vil­la Mas­si­mo, Rome, 2014
“Ware­house“, “Hous­ing Block“, “Ide­al City I“
exhi­bi­tion view Galerie Karin Sachs, Munich, 2014
“Ide­al City II (Nitrate mine)”
Mine pig­ments on paper, screen print in 9 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
“Ide­al City II (Nitrate mine)”
Mine pig­ments on paper, screen print in 9 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
“Gat­ed Com­mu­ni­ty / Slum”
Ground-up build­ing, alu­minum and graphite on paper, screen print in 6 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 140 x 300 cm, 2024
“Gat­ed Com­mu­ni­ty / Slum”
Ground-up build­ing, alu­minum and graphite on paper, screen print in 6 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 140 x 300 cm, 2024
“Gat­ed Com­mu­ni­ty / Slum”
detail view
Earth pig­ments on paper, screen print in 9 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
Earth pig­ments on paper, screen print in 9 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
“Shop­ping Mall”
Ground-up build­ing, alu­minum and graphite on paper, screen print in 6 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
“Shop­ping Mall”
Ground-up build­ing, alu­minum and graphite on paper, screen print in 6 pan­els, edi­tion 5 + 2 APs, 210 x 300 cm, 2024
“Oil Field”
Engraved draw­ing and crude oil on card­board, 5 pan­els, edi­tion of 5 + 2 APs, 100 x 350 cm, 2024
“Oil Field”
Engraved draw­ing and crude oil on card­board, 5 pan­els, edi­tion of 5 + 2 APs, 100 x 350 cm, 2024