HD film, 13:23 min Loop


The film “The Thresh­old” is based on mate­r­i­al filmed dur­ing an eth­no­log­i­cal expe­di­tion in the West­ern Province of Papua New Guinea. As a byprod­uct of the excur­sion, the atten­tion wan­ders from the eth­no­log­i­cal sub­ject and is cap­tured by the noc­tur­nal activ­i­ty of amphib­ians. The cam­era rests at the eye lev­el of toads mov­ing back and forth in front of a door at the jun­gle out­post of Bal­imo in Papua New Guinea. The film sequence is there­by crossed by axes of reflec­tion, along which for­ward played episodes are reversed in order to be seam­less­ly repeat­ed. The cap­tured events seem to be trapped in a time warp and thus con­fined for­ev­er to the space on this side of the thresh­old. Just as in Franz Kafka’s para­ble “Before the Law” the thresh­old is nev­er crossed. In this fab­u­lous noc­tur­nal sequence the toads can be under­stood as masks, which in turn are reflec­tions of the realms of human society.


Die Schwelle/ The Thresh­old, 2017
Die Schwelle/ The Thresh­old, 2017
Die Schwelle/ The Thresh­old, 2017