crude oil sludge on can­vas, 85 x 120 cm each


The works of the series “Oil Field Paint­ings” were cre­at­ed on one of the world’s old­est oil fields, in Bibi Hey­bat, Baku. In a kind of »Plein Air« action, iron­i­cal­ly engag­ing tra­di­tions of land­scape paint­ing – such as Impres­sion­ist as well as Abstract Expres­sion­ist tech­niques – crude oil is tak­en direct­ly from oil spills in the land­scape and car­ried onto white can­vas­es. Applied in coarse ges­tures, the paint­ings are record­ings of the dif­fer­ent mate­r­i­al char­ac­ter­is­tics and aes­thet­ic qual­i­ties of oil. These range in col­or from dark black to light brown and encom­pass dif­fer­ent tex­tures and hap­tic prop­er­ties, states of liq­uid­i­ty and solid­i­ty. The per­for­mance-like process of paint­ing the “Oil Field Paint­ings” was inter­rupt­ed by the nation­al secu­ri­ty force con­trol­ling the Biby Hey­bat oil fields, fore­ground­ing the ter­ri­to­r­i­al pow­er rela­tions, in which this resource is enmeshed.


„Oil Field Paint­ings“ on the Bibi Hey­bat oil fields, Baku, 2017
paint­ings per­for­mance on the Bibi Hey­bat oil fields, Baku, 2017
paint­ings per­for­mance on the Bibi Hey­bat oil fields, Baku, 2017
paint­ings per­for­mance on the Bibi Hey­bat oil fields, Baku, 2017
„Oil Field Paint­ings“, 2017